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Health Services

MHS Video Connect Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is MHS Video Connect?

MHS Video Connect is the Military Health System’s new, web-based solution for accessible care. It empowers patients to conveniently meet with their military health care team virtually through live video on any internet-connected device. 

2. Why Should i use MHS Video Connect?

MHS Video Connect provides convenient and secure, real-time access to care from anywhere, reducing travel and wait times. Talk to your military health care team about using MHS Video Connect if:
  • You live far from your military hospital or clinic
  • You have health conditions that make traveling to your care team difficult
  • You lack time to regularly attend in-person medical appointments
  • You do not require a hands-on physical examination

3. Who can use MHS Video Connect?

All patients enrolled in a military hospital or clinic can use MHS Video Connect. 

4. What do I need to use MHS Video Connect?

To use MHS Video Connect, you must have an email account so your provider can send you a link to access the virtual treatment room for your video appointment. The appointment will work on nearly any device that has an internet connection, a web camera, microphone, speakers (either internal or attached), and a web browser. For example, it will work on the following: 
  • Personal computers
  • Laptops
  • Apple tablets or mobile devices
  • Android tablets or mobile devices
  • Windows tablets or mobile devices

5. How do I sign up for MHS Video Connect 

There is no requirement to sign up for MHS Video Connect. However, it is best to check with your military health care team to confirm that you have appropriate equipment to participate in virtual visits.

6. How do I schedule an MHS Video Connect appointment?

To make a virtual appointment, call your local clinic or hospital appointment line. You can also schedule an appointment directly through secure messaging with your health care team using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Once your appointment has been scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email message. If you do not receive an email message, contact your provider for assistance.

7. How do i access an MHS Video Connect Appointment?

When an MHS Video Connect appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email invitation with a link to join the virtual treatment room. At the time of your appointment, you simply click on the link, enter your name, and launch the session. 

8. Can i use the same link for all my MHS Video Connect appointments?

No. Each time you schedule a virtual appointment, you will receive a new email invitation to join the virtual treatment room for that appointment.

9. Can I access MHS Video Connect through a mobile application?

You can access MHS Video Connect through your mobile device. However, it is a web-based tool, and there is no mobile application available to download.

10. Can I still see my provider through other virtual tools such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom?

No. MHS Video Connect has replaced all other virtual video options. 

11. Is MHS Video Connect safe/private?

MHS Video Connect provides convenient and secure, real-time access to your health care team. You should be in a quiet, private location for your MHS Video Connect visit.
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Contact Us

Central Appointments Hours

Monday-Friday  7:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.


Front Desk: (912) 435-6965.
Appt Line: (912) 435-6633.

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